Thursday, December 29, 2005

The First Post

OK. What can one find here?
A resource that will provide alternative views on almost anything. Since this is brand new, posts between now and January 1, 2006, will be purely experimental and primarily generated by your gracious host. With any luck at all, some poor individual will fall into my trap and ask my opinion on something.
I will have the fly (no pun intended!) in my web and will ravish him/her with the thoughts of a 66-year old man who has a little bit of time on his hands and possesses an overwhelming desire to lead someone astray with confidence.
What does one have to lose?
Because, the greatest invention in the history of mankind is the delete key.

Good luck and may warm cocoa always be on your nightstand.


The Fly said...

Bold-faced text, tricky tricky.

Father Time said...

Coming from the expert - I am humbled. You honor me with my first comment.