Saturday, October 28, 2006

Attempting A Return To Respectability

The Problem: Father Time has incurred the wrath of the following special interest groups: hunters, women's rights advocates, and the conservative right.

The reason: The previous post entitled Revenge.

The Details: The cartoon showed a lame-brained duck hunter, the outline of a woman's bra, and an empowered duck. (Conservatives hate empowerment!)

The Solution: Show a picture of some damn fine furniture!

Now it's back to watching football and drinking beer in my trophy room while the "little woman" irons and cooks. Then when football ends, I'll watch Bill O'Reilly.

UPDATE by Mother Time: Don't let the old goat fool you. He's really cooking dinner, sipping Pinot Gris, and watching New Yankee Workshop! I'm the one watching football. When football ends, we'll both watch a documentary on global warming by Al Gore.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


If I ever find a magic wand, this will be at the top of my "to do" list!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Time For A Change

A New Look

Father Time's Place was starting to look older than me , so here's a breath of fresh sea air. Breathe deep! Smells good doesn't it?

What has Father Time been up to?

I'm re-reading Exodus to brush up on my Middle East background since it looks like we're going to be there for a while. Why am I sharing this? Because my blogging time is forced to compete with my reading time, my work with our local Hospice, and the remodeling of our family room to turn it into a media room with wide screen HD TV. (I was getting somewhat financially comfortable so this should cure that feeling!)

And finally, my latest adventure in insanity is "wet weather backpacking." Even took a class on it at our local REI store. The key is developing an attitude that looks forward to seeing our physical environment in a completely different way (plus staying dry - Duh!) The magnificent views are replaced by the good smell of wet soil and forest duff, almost total isolation, and the patter of drops on the tent rain fly at night. Warm coffee in the morning also helps.

I know there's a message here, but I choose to ignore it. My new theme song will probably be "Slip sliding away" and my electric blanket will become an altar.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Memories vs Reality - The Scirocco Returns

This picture of a 1976 VW Scirocco is similar to one I bought after leaving a job with an American car company and moving into the banking field. I had driven one at a comparison test my company held at their proving grounds in Arizona and was blown away by the great ride and handling characteristics it exhibited, along with the zip they extracted from a 4-cyl engine.

Needless to say, my Scirocco served me long and well, and was always a joy to drive no matter how short (or long) the trip. So, there is a soft spot in my heart for anything named "Scirocco".

I was therefore delighted to see these pictures from VW on CarScoop of two concept cars they have named Sciroccos. Details are murky right now but if they follow in their namesake's shoes, I no option other than to start developing a devious plan to convince Ms Time that we have to have one of these in our driveway in the near future. This is going to cost me, in more ways than one!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Friday, October 06, 2006

The Ford In James Bond's Future

This is a prototype of the 2007 Ford Mondeo built for the filming of Casino Royale (to be released on November 17, 2007.) Not only will we have a new James Bond but a never-seen-before vehicle as well.

The $64K questions are; 1.) will they build these for the North American market and 2.) how much will they cost?

According to CarScoop, Ford's Martin Smith, Ford of Europe's Executive Director for Design, says this car will only be sold in Europe and will not even be built until the second quarter of 2007.

So, once again, we'll see cars in a James Bond movie that are out of our reach!

Incidentally, this is not Bond's primary car; he still drives an Aston Martin in the movie. I guess this is his "rental" car.

Logger's Delight

Here's another way we can consume dwindling resources. Of course, if you build it from an old fence in the back forty or recycle your deck, it will win the Father Time Environmental Award Of Merit (FTEAM) with ease.

When's the last time you rode your fence?

Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Blog Is Not Dead - Just On Vacation

Father Time does not possess the latest in high tech gear, I.E., a laptop computer. So, when I head for the woods or the beach or distant wineries, I'm clearly out-of-touch. (Some would say I'm that way when I'm home, but they're just jealous.)

So now it's time to return to "The Place" and share some stuff. What it will be is not clear; be reassured that it will include the usual cars, planes, Pacific Northwest scenic wonders, goofy things people have built, and last but not least - damn fine furniture.

Come with us as we explore the world of asymmetrical organic furniture. Join me in trying to decide whether it's art, comfort food, or something that should be placed in your living room as a place for company to sit. Or all three!.
