Thursday, July 27, 2006

Father Time's Disappearing Act Continues

So where will I be? My plan was to seek out either one of these two places; (but place your bets on the fact that trees will not be within 500 miles of my tent.) I have a craving for trout.

Be back soon. Take care.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Plagiarism At Its Finest

Dragonfly Report: 24th July 2006
Good morning. Is there low cost gasoline In my future?

It's 52° Fahrenheit with 100% humidity in Atlantis. In Sri Lanka, the forecast calls for a high of 91° Fahrenheit with isolated rebel attacks in the Northeastern Province.

The average price of Geritol is $2.99 for a 4 oz. bottle. The exchange rate is $1.00 for Dial-A-Bus, or £0.54.

Today's Weird Car Picture is: (Cool)/(Lame)/(Seductive)/(Debilitating)

Today's horoscope is Leo. Leo's are prima facie evidence of the logic for sterilization. The Dragonfly is currently reading "Yet Another Autobiography Of My Hair" by Donald Trump.

See that "X" on the map? It will lead you lower priced gasoline, or buried treasure. Pray it's gasoline.

Friday, July 21, 2006

On A More Serious Note

(Yes I can be serious.)

Here's one of my favorite poems. It was originally found in an ancient Pali text written by one of Buddha's followers about 300 years after Buddha's death. The sensitive translation into English is attributed to a Theravada Buddhist scholar who now lives in California:

Love, without desire to possess,
knowing well that in the ultimate sense
there is no possession and no possessor:
this is the highest love.

Love, without speaking and thinking of "I"”,
knowing well that this so-called "I"” is a mere delusion.

Love, without selecting and excluding,
knowing well that to do so means to create love'’s own contrasts:
dislike, aversion and hatred.

Love, embracing all beings: small and great, far and near,
be it on earth, in the water, or in the air.

Anyone For Chinese Take-out?

I'm not sure why pictures like this fascinate me, but thanks to this web site, I have all the weird pix I will ever need, (plus a craving for Chinese food.)

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Father Time's Garage Sale

Crop duster Like new. Only used to spray Weed & Feed on my back yard. Must sell due to high price of aviation gasoline, neighbor's lawsuit, and need for new glasses.

Steam engine Used to power home generator. Only used during air raids. Must sell due to state air quality restrictions and shortage of wood to stoke boiler. Will make a great addition to anyone's front yard as a landscaping feature. I'd put it my front yard but there isn't room with my '78 Ford Econoline Van that's being restored.

Motorcycle with monkey Makes a great riding partner if your spouse is "anti-motorcycle" and refuses to ride with you. Monkey is also handy in bar fights, since police don't know what statutes to cite.

Slightly used couch Used infrequently but still serviceable. This Chippendale replica will give any home a real touch of class!

Special Financing Arrangements
Make me an offer on any item - no reasonable offer refused. Trade-ins gladly accepted, appraiser on duty 24/7 - 0% financing available, 24 months same as cash.

Deals like this don't come along often. Act now before it's too late. Operators are standing by. (Been there quite a while in fact, just smoking cigarettes and eating my Cheetos!)

There you have it. I won't be blogging for a few days because of the anticipated heavy traffic this sale will generate, but I will be checking e-mail if you see if there's something you want. Now, I'm off to make some signs!

(Don't you wish I'd stayed in the woods?)

Do You Hate Parallel Parking?

Here's the answer to your problem. No more cursing when the only available parking space requires "advanced" driving skills. Imagine making U-turns in your own driveway!

Yes, Father Time needs one of these parked sideways in his garage so he has more room for old furniture. Dig, dig.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Return Of Father Time

Apologies for the disappearance. I needed to take time off to get my batteries charged and take care of business. So, it looks like I'm back in the saddle with tons of blog-worthy (code for blather) items to share.

But first, a good night's sleep!

Later all.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Special July 4th Post

This picture of the USS Randolph adjacent to a Navy repair ship has special meaning for Father Time's immediate family. The hole in the foredeck was made by a Kamikaze hit.

Happy July 4th to everyone!