What's Going On Now?When I started this blog, my goal was to create a kind of "road map" of my retired life. As the new path ahead of me unfolded, I wanted to use this to track my varied interests and activities. Now, almost three years later, I've discovered some immediate family and a few good friends read it on occasion, using it as a means of making sure I'm alive and well. When I don't post, they become concerned.
OK, since I'm a humanitarian at heart, I thought it would be fun and informative to randomly post an update of what's going on up here in the land of gray rain. (Today is August 20th and it's rainy and gray, following a 100 degree heat wave this past weekend! Thank goodness for "gray rain.") By
randomly I'm suggesting that these updates will occur when I find some spare time. Read on and see why "spare time" is becoming a joke!
So What's New - Or Old?Kitchen remodel is 45% Complete. I was going to include pictures of before and after but for some weird reason, Google won't let me upload them. No, there are no nude pictures of anyone since that would change the entire character of this place! So, whatever their reasons, my pictures will be uploaded here when the censors decide that my kitchen cabinets are not some sort of terrorist threat!
Backpacking in Jefferson Park is temporarily on hold due to our really unusual weather this year. First, we had snow at 5,000 feet until late July. Since my planned campsite was as 5,600 feet, snow camping in July was not a priority! Then, when the snow
did melt, the mosquitoes were out in full force. So, new plan - go in September right after the remodel in complete. Oh yeah!
The famous
ceiling cave-in is now history and has become yet another re-modeling project. For starters, the ceiling in one of our downstairs bedrooms developed a large bulge and with a little poking and prodding from Father Time, became an indoor storm. No lightening but plenty of rain! The culprit was a pipe in our master bedroom bath that had sprung a leak. When our plumber started digging around, we found other copper pipes in the same area with lots of little corrosion spots - cause unknown. So, after consulting with Ms Time, a decision was made to replace the old fiberglass shower, replace every pipe we could see, and install a really nice "man-made" marble shower. That project is underway and at this point, with both the kitchen and the bathroom in a state of total disorder, law and order does
not describe our home! "Oh yeah" one more time!
And finally, a surprise from inside. Inside my body that is. For the past couple of months, I've had some short episodes of
a racing heart beat. They lasted about 15 seconds or so, but were becoming more frequent. Not being a hero, I went to see my friendly doctor. After a couple of tests and a thorough debriefing of my eating habits, he suggested I cut back on my coffee. I did. It's been two weeks since my last episode with NASCAR Heart. End of story.
End of update. I'll do this again when things look, smell, feel, and sound better.
Stay tuned!