Thursday, February 23, 2006

Cabin Fever Overtakes Me

This disproves the adage that "a picture is worth a thousand words." I think that number is unbelieveably low.

In the final chapter of his classic backpacking book,The Complete Walker, Colin Fletcher has unwittingly provided support for the Buddhist concept of connectedness. His premise that since the human race is such a small part of the entire planet, we should spend more time listening to nature's dialog rather than our own. Won't get an argument from me!


Anonymous said...

Is that Alaska? Looks very peaceful. :)

I agree. Too many chatter and not enough time appreciating natural beauty.

Father Time said...

I believe it's somewhere in Northern California. Time for research. If there are trout in there, I will find it!

The Fly said...

I can only come up with two words.

"That's purty."