Saturday, February 18, 2006

A Quiet Return

Against my better judgment, I am sneaking back into "bloggerworld." (I hate that expression.) At any rate, here we go again.

By taking time off to think about why I'm doing this, I concluded that I would focus on subjects that essentially constitute passions in my life (with the exception of family and close friends.) These passions change frequently; some people might even call them hobbies. Whatever you call them, they are things that interest the hell out of me. My nature, once something interests me, I research it to death - a holdover from my engineering days. My goal is to create a journal of my daily, weekly - and sometimes - lifetime explorations. Obviously, it will primarily be of interest to me and those close to me, but quite frankly, that's my favorite audience!

There is one group I don't know how to reach. If you know someone who hates retirement, send them my way. During my working career, on two separate occasions, I encountered well-educated people who described retirement as "living hell." If that's anyone you know, e-mail me or direct them to this blog. I would love to help change his/her mind.


The Fly said...

Welcome back, Father Time! I promise not to link to you unless you tell me it's okay!

Father Time said...

Go for it!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!

Father Time said...

Thanks! I'm going to work hard to keep a balance between the absurd and semi-serious. Not easy!