Thursday, April 27, 2006

Late Summer Respite Plans

One of the best places to relax in the whole wide world is a really cool B & B called MacCallum House in Mendocino, California. We stayed there two years ago and agreed it was one of the most relaxing, stress-free places we had ever visited. So, when we were talking about places to go for a late summer "decompression session" (which is mandatory in late September or early October), Mendocino was at the top of the list.

Why go there? Great food, an art colony, unbelievable scenery, and close access to Anderson Valley and nineteen or so wineries. How's that for openers? This message is not brought to you by the Mendocino Chamber of Commerce. Just sounds that way. An added bonus for us Northwesterners: An overnight stay in Eureka for crab cakes and a bottle of wine at our favorite harbor hangout. Bring it on!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am SO ready for a vacation. I've been to Mendocino; very pretty there. :)