Sunday, February 18, 2007

Where Is Father Time Now?

Have you ever looked at the calendar and said, "What happened to the last two weeks?" I find this happening more and more. In fact, I just noticed the date of my last post - February 7, 2007. So in my situation, what is the answer?

Let's see; first on the list is my Hospice volunteer work. Two patients plus a member of my immediate family equals almost three hours per day. Day hikes around the area to stay in shape for warm weather backpacking season, about two hours/day. Taking care of my kid's dogs while they're in Hawaii, who knows? On average at least an hour/day. Since we have a Sheltie, the addition of a Pug and a long-haired Chihuahua creates the trifecta from hell.

Woodworking? Maybe two hours a week right now, but that time is about to explode exponentially! New wood and furniture repair projects are starting to occupy too much room in the shop, so the cure is simple. Get your butt out there and start making sawdust! Oh ya.

Finally, blogging. Maybe ten minutes/day to read and look for comments. Actually, considering the number of comments I receive, I can add ten minutes to my cramped schedule by skipping that activity completely.

What happened to reading, research, and writing? Zilch. But enough complaining. I don't have time.

Happy trails!


Rick Rockhill said...

Hello Father's a comment for you to read! I stumbled on your blog this morning and enjoyed reading through it. It is amazing how time passes by so quickly. I marvel when I think I'll be 39 this year and have no idea what that means or where it went. good rants and raves.
I admire your volunteer work at the hospice. An inspiration for me to do something as well. My blog is mostly about nonsense...but its a hobby anyway!
Keep on blogging!

The Fly said...

You mean you're not doing research on North Korean ballistic missile development and its ties to Iran? Or writing an in-depth report on Baluchistani independence movements and their impact on Pakistani, Afghan, and Iranian politics?

Anonymous said...

Welcome back bro - I missed your blog!

FatherTime said...

Uncle Ricky: Welcome and Thanks! I've checked out your blogs as well and will be reading you often. I'm always amazed by the people who read these and pop out of the blue. Of course, I'm easy to amaze.

Fly: You're close but not quite there. Guess again!

NASCAR Sister: Hi! Need to send you a lengthy e-mail but I don't have time! lol