Saturday, November 11, 2006

The End Of A Journey

This quotation says it best:

Credula vitam spes fovet et melius cras fore semper dicit.

Translation: Credulous hope supports our life, and always says that tomorrow will be better.

Simple Lessons Are The Best

An immediate family member has been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. Once she had dealt with the reality of her fate, she openly talked with me about her life's journey of 82 years. Her story brought home to me how far we have come as a society, and the fact that despite what we read in the newspapers and see on television, all is not lost.

If you focus on today's world and it's quagmire of wars fueled by greed and inappropriate passions, it's easy to become discouraged and overwhelmed, and experience intense feelings of frustration, futility, and anger.

On the other hand, if we look back 82 years and see how far we have come as a society in improving our life condition, despair can turn to optimism. Optimism that persists, in spite of the endless litany of stupid mistakes made by our governing bodies, and drives us to improve our lot in life.

Amazing isn't it?


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about your relative's condition. My mother is in the terminal stage of cancer right now. It is very difficult, but this is a very good lesson to learn (or remember). Thanks for posting.

Father Time said...

You're welcome. Our thoughts are with you too.