Wednesday, October 31, 2007

NASCAR Sister Flogs The Blogger

Where Does The Time Go?

NASCAR Sister tactfully reminded me today that once again this site is in remission. Gentle reminders like, "What are doing with all of your time bro?" and. "Why don't you post more often?"

She's right. When my life is on a roll, my priorities take a hit, and lately blogging has been DOA. So, let's correct the situation and bring everyone up-to-date on what was so darned important that Father Time couldn't spend five minutes on the laptop!

Here's One Distraction

Yes it's a dog. Son and SigO's Dog. He's also a fan of an Oregon university whose football team is nationally ranked. To clarify, any dog who is NOT a football fan is merely - a dog. Nothing else. Just a dog.

But as you can see, this is not just a dog. This is a Duck Dog. And, as the second photo shows, he's happy with or without his "uniform." Why we do this to our pets is a mystery to me. The worst part, however, is the dog doesn't even know the team's fight song!

I can handle that!

Family and Tailgating

Now, here's another time-consumer in the fall. Tailgating! We get together in a parking lot and set up an organic juice bar. Every conceivable fruit juice is available. Notice how happy it makes the participants. The happy couple pictured here includes my daughter - the one wearing the Duck hat.

Tomorrow we'll review some other meaningful social activities that happen around The Place. Maybe!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes but lil puppy is just to cute. He loves to hang out with you!