Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Adding Insult To Injury

A "friend" of mine who follows this blog, sent an e-mail saying he was shocked to see an actual photo of my wife and me on the previous post. In a feeble attempt at humor, he sent this picture, which he described as what he said thought we looked liked prior to seeing us in the "Joey Has Landed" post.

Now I ask you, if you were a regular reader here, what would ever give you that idea? One of my goals in starting Father Time's Place was to let retired people (and those thinking of retirement) know they have nothing to fear and everything to be excited about. I know. Bad sentence construction but I couldn't think of any other way to say it!

I have encountered people who, for a variety of reasons, intensely dislike or even fear the thought of being retired. In many cases their fears have a legitimate basis; for example, no longer being considered a "contributor" to the economy, being thought of as "old", or facing the specter of declining health. However, I learned long ago not to try to "convert" people; I would have made a damn poor evangelist. But, if I can demonstrate that it's a fantastic time in one's life cycle, and not the "end of the road", I will have made my point.

Look forward to retirement friends. It worth the wait.


Anonymous said...

I'm not afraid of retirement. I'll be able to finally travel more and get some writing done! Plus, there are those cheapy dinners at Denny's and discount movie tickets, yay. ;)

Anonymous said...

I am afraid of retirement! Afraid I can't retire soon enough!! I am tired of contributing to the economy. I am ready to travel, read, paint, knit, write - need I go on? Father Time, you make it sound very appealing.

Father Time said...
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Father Time said...

Tangyapple and NASCAR Sister:

I think both of you are in the majority; therefore I'm preaching to the choir.

However, after spending the latter part of my working years observing workaholics, I'm sure you won't be surprised to know some people fear retirement because their occupation is a passionate avocation and their only interest. That's the crowd I'm shouting at, but will never reach, because they're too busy working.

Anonymous said...

Father Time - I love your site is a great representation of you and how you spend your time (obviously updating your blog all the time). :)Here you are talking retirement - from a man that took about 3 years to officially retire??? I'm really looking forward to my retirement though....and by that I mean falling off the face of the earth, not coming back to help in a desparate time of need! keep doing what you do...nothing! Keep your figure flattering and I shall talk to you later old man.

Father Time said...

Regarding "your sexy sugar plum bank lady"

OK - Time to go on the offensive. The comment above is from a former employee who takes delight in tweaking me and watching me turn red. Well, she hasn't lost her touch. Damn!