Monday, May 15, 2006

Cooking Bachelor's Delight

My friend The Fly is now living the "good life" in the Mojave desert. He puts in long hours at work and then comes home to what many of us recall as bachelor hell - having to fix a great dinner in 15 minutes or less.

This is a common situation that arises for many reasons:
1.) ravenous hunger,
2.) lack of cooking expertise,
3.) lack of money due to purchases of new cool stuff for the pad,
4.) lack of patience,
5.) lack of a female friend who will cook for you,
6.) exhaustion due to heat,
7.) need to write letter to Mom,
8.) forgetting to stop at store and pick up Hungry Man TV dinners.

Therefore, as a public service, I'm sharing my recipe for Bachelor's Delight. It's fast, nutritious, and tastes great.

Utensils Needed

1- Old aluminum pan leftover from last week's TV dinner. Don't bother to wash it because the high oven temperature will kill any bacteria that are attempting a hostile takeover.

1- Can opener. A bottle opener will also work but takes longer to punch multiple holes in a can; plus, you waste some of the contents but can get those last little bits out by rinsing the can with some stale beer.

1- Spoon. Any spoon! Plastic or metal, clean or previously used is OK. If previously used, dip in beer briefly to kill gazigglies.


2 cans - Coors; one for cooking; one to drink.
1 cup - corn flakes
4 slices - Velveeta cheese
1 cup - crumbled leftover potato chips
1 can - Stagg chili. Use only Stagg! Other brands of canned chili have wussy names and are not "manly".

The Procedure

Dump everything into the aluminum pan except corn flakes and beer. Add one half of remaining beer to mixture and top with corn flakes.

Bake uncovered at 350 degrees for 15 minutes or until remaining half of beer is drunk. Remove from oven and eat directly from pan. Crackers make a great side dish with this recipe. When finished, place the pan back in the trash in case it's needed again.


This is an old family recipe and has been made available as a public service. Any resemblance to food providing actual nutrition is coincidental. Enjoy!


The Fly said...

You forgot the most important detail... It comes in convenient astronaut food tubes now!

Father Time said...

You can use old toothpaste tubes if you the time to push the food in with the eraser end of a pencil.