Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Progress In Iraq

Now that our special forces have found al-Zarqawi, can Osama be far behind?

I used this picture previously on The Fly's blog, but it's too good not to repeat here. I wonder, since the Air Force found one bad guy hiding in a hut, why can't they catch Osama out in the open when he's on a beer run?

One can only hope.


The Fly said...

The problem being, of course, that flying carpets have almost no radar signature. You can only track them with the Mk I eyeball.

Father Time said...

Of course! Once again Father Time shows his age with outdated intelligence. BTW, did you know there might be WMD in Iraq? Scary, huh?

The Fly said...

I heard a rumor from a couple of guys from Niger, yeah. They were trying to sell me some Yellow Cake Uranium, but I told them I wasn't interested.