Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Father Time Honors NASCAR Sister

This is way overdue!

Let's open the family album with this gem:

Here's a shot of NASCAR Sister in high school. She always was on the leading edge of trendy hair styles. This was taken on the day she was inducted into the National Honor Society.

NASCAR Sister always had an eye for sharp cars. She just never owned one. Here's a picture of her leaving home to attend college. Very little was left in her room when she was done packing!

While in college, she met Cool Dude. He stole her heart immediately, and they were inseparable right up until the time he was arrested for indecent exposure. When he was released, they immediately moved to Humptulips, Washington where he opened a Krispy Kreme franchise.

It wasn't long before they had a love child - Turkin. He turned out to be a child prodigy and was designing tricycles at the age of 7. He is now working for Yugo as an automotive designer!

NASCAR Sister and Cool Dude now live in Bald Knob, Arkansas, in this lovely estate. She's retired and paints ashtrays and Cool Dude is Superintendent of Schools.

Happy Birthday NASCAR Sister!

1 comment:

The Fly said...

Is that Sergeant Slaughter!?