Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Books On The Night Stand

Now in process or waiting their turn:
The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis, Shadow Divers by Robert Kurson, Hamlet edited by Harold Jenkins (slow going but it eventually gets you there), HTML Sourcebook by Ian S. Graham (enhancing my techie side), and The Complete Walker IV by Colin Fletcher & Chip Rawlins. Colin is one of my favorite authors, not only because of his love of the outdoors, but his keen eye for the subtleties of nature and sharp self-deprecating wit. Unlike so many "how to" books, it can almost be read like a novel. Highly recommended even if your definition of "outdoors" is just going outside to buy groceries!


Anonymous said...

I have so many books waiting for me to read, I can't list them all! I'm not that slow a reader; just don't get all the time I want to read and end up buying more books than I can get around to unless I'm on a long vacation. :)

How do you like the CS Lewis books?

Father Time said...

You may remember some of my earlier posts where I confess that I'm a black and white thinker, and the subtle shadings, that are in fact reality, sometimes evade me for hours or even days. With that as my primary excuse, I find Lewis to be slow going - not unlike my adventures with Hamlet - but ultimately understandable. (Do you hear tap dancing in the background?) As far as agreeing with him, I'm struggling. Will I keep on reading his stuff? Yup!