Wednesday, March 08, 2006

More Encouraging Research

This article at the LiveScience web site really hits home.

The premise: To prevent memory loss, just believe you have a good memory.

This may sound like an oversimplification, but deep down I believe they are on target. My personal approach to aging is similar - you are as old as you believe you are. Personally, I'm about 32, plus or minus a decade.

In our culture, it seems normal for people to assume that when a "mature" person forgets something, it's a sure sign of a relentless march toward senility. However, according to this Brandeis University study, having a positive attitude is a big step toward preventing memory loss. Clearly, this is not the answer for everyone, but it is encouraging to say the least.

I was going to add another point but I forget what it was.


Anonymous said...

It works for me too! I see young people all around me forgetting their keys, where they parked in the lot, what they were going to tell me, etc. It think that my memory is at least as good - if not better than most. I haven't lost my keys since -- I can't remember when. Do you think it's in our genes Father Time to have a positive approach to old age?

The Fly said...

The Fly delights in this post, Father Time... But not as much as he delights in Bo Pi.

Father Time said...

NASCAR SIS: It's in half our genes! lol

Fly: I love bo pi with Amaretto whip creme and coffee. It's a classic dessert where I come from.

Anonymous said...

My memory's pretty good, usually. I think. And gee, I'm only... uh... um...

Heck, I used to know my age. Can't remember now. :Þ

What were you talking about? ;)

Father Time said...

Flashcat: I can identify! lol

Anonymous said...

I blame it on my thyroid. *L*