Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The Advent Of Fly Specks

After researching blogs ad infinitum (ad nauseam?), Father Time is going to kick things off with a little fun - at least in my book it's fun. A post or two ago, I said that a regular feature would be a comment or two about the happenings on The Fly's blog, aptly titled Thus Saith The Fly. To my dismay, things have been slow over there for the past few days, so let's see if The Fly is really paying attention to his elders.

Fly Specks
This quote from Carl Sagen is my contribution to stirring up Fly Specks while simultaneously opening the door to my latest love-hate room - spirituality.

The idea that God is an oversized white male with a flowing beard who sits in the sky and tallies the fall of every sparrow is ludicrous. But if by God one means the set of physical laws that govern the universe, then clearly there is such a God. This God is emotionally unsatisfying... it does not make much sense to pray to the law of gravity.

That should do it. Press on!

What's Next?
Father Time will diligently study his HTML notes and attempt to clean this place up. Plus, we will add links, rants, and pictures, especially one of a P-38 Lightening wearing cool clothes. I know it's not a P-51 Mustang, but it has two engines and keeps flying when one is knocked out. Shazam!
In addition, at the suggestion of The Fly, my blog address may change to make it easier to find this place, especially for my three friends. (In the future, violins will be heard playing a Bach fugue at this point.)

Good Luck and may cool water be on your nightstand when you have your next noctunal coughing fit.


The Fly said...

Sagan's an overrated tool. I'll blog more about this indisputable fact later.

Father Time said...

Fly: I agree Sagan was overrated in a lot of areas. Your indisputable proof is still welcomed. My knowledge in this area is, as you well know, exploratory at best.

sarah: Welcome! I'm delighted to have someone read this besides the Fly. (With all due respect Fly.) I love constructive feedback, especially as relates to my goal of allievating the seriousness of life.
Feel free to compliment, attack, rant, or ask my opinion. I remind everyone - free advice is worth exactly what you pay for it. Again welcome!